Body and Mind

Body-and-Mind-page-graphicThe functioning of your body and mind is closely linked to your feelings, state of health and general wellbeing.

Your health and wellbeing are determined by the healthiness of your brain and body; organs which in turn depend on the health of the cells from which they are composed.

The health of the cells (and the organs they give rise to) is influenced by genetic factors (inheritance), any existing medical conditions, nutrient supply to the cells ,exposure to harmful substances in the blood .

Gene function and organ function are influenced by the supply of nutrients and presence of harmful substances from the blood. Getting the right nutrients to your cells depends mostly on the ability of the gastrointestinal tract to digest and absorb the nutrients from food. Which in turn depend on the quantity and quality of the food consumed. The sources of the harmful substance include the food you eat, the air you breathe and chemicals absorbed through your skin. Eating the wrong food can also result in your body producing harmful substances.
Each persons concerns and feelings are unique because everyone has a different genetic make-up, constitution, medical conditions, life-styles, eat different foods, and are exposed to different environments. This resource is designed to provide the big picture  knowledge and  understanding of the concepts involved, approach to diagnosis, strategies, treatment and prevention,  as well as addressing specific concerns by offering  relevant links using, where possible, different media (e.g. written, visual and auditory) because we all learn in different ways.

The body, brain and mind in more detail:

Body: Your internal physical structure

Your body is made up of many organs which are all connected and interdependent. The health of the individual organs together with the brain and mind determine our overall state of health and wellness. The individual organs are made up of cells whose function is influenced by your nutrition, genetic make-up and exposure to any harmful chemical substances. Brain dysfunction may also be caused by nutritional imbalances, food allergies and intolerances, or harmful substances.
Organ dysfunction especially in the early stage of disease shows no symptoms. e.g high blood pressure and kidney or liver failure.

You are usually unaware of the harm to the organ that is taking place.

Consequently you may have impaired organ function without ever being aware or knowing the cause. Furthermore if you do find the cause it may be too late to treat or prevent further deterioration.

In my opinion these issues becoming more widespread due to processed and nutritionally imbalanced diets, the rise of food allergies and intolerances and the inclusion of chemicals in foods.

You can learn more in the book:

“Your Gut Feelings : The food body Mind Connection”.

Brain: Your controller & coordinator of mental and physical function

The brain is the seat of your mind, and consequently plays a critical role in the functioning of your mind.
The brain also coordinates and plays a key role in the functioning of most organs of the body.

Brain dysfunction may affect our mind and most body organs.

This is usually most obvious with medical conditions arising within the brain e.g strokes, dementia, and tumours.

Brain dysfunction can also be caused by the effects of medical conditions arising in other organs or hormonal dysfunction. They are usually much less obvious.

Brain dysfunction may also be caused by nutritional imbalances, food allergies and intolerances, or harmful substances.

Any dysfunction usually occurs insidiously and for the most part is not obvious.

You are usually unaware of the harm to your brain that is taking place.

Consequently you may have impaired brain function without ever being aware or knowing the cause. Furthermore if you do find the cause it may be too late to treat or prevent further deterioration. Some examples include reduced ability to concentrate and focus, memory loss and mood changes.

In my opinion these issues are becoming wide-spread on account of processed and nutritionally imbalanced diets, the rise of food allergies and intolerances and the inclusion of chemicals in foods.

Diagnosis treatment and management will be dependent on the clinical condition, your individual circumstances and their underlying causes.

“Your Gut Feelings : The food body Mind Connection”.

Mind: Your concious & unconcious processes

The mind is your master for optimizing your health and wellbeing, the quality of your personal and work life, your particular environment, your life –style including the food you eat and your physical activity.

The mind, while difficult to define exactly, is about our thoughts, past and present memories, feelings (joy sadness, sadness and anger), behaviour, interest, motivation and creativity.

. The functioning of our mind interconnects with the functioning of our brain and the rest of the organs of your body. Dysfunction of your mind can adversely affect your brain & organ functions such as the hormone producing glands. In the same way dysfunction of your brain and hormone production, can adversely affect your mind.

Together they play a pivotal role in the duration and quality of our life.

Their function is influenced by your genetic make up, any medical conditions, life style factors such as nutrition and physical activity and environmental influences.

One of the most limiting factors to optimizing your self mastery is that fact that we often have limited awareness( we cannot clearly see or feel) these underlying processes, the damage we do to ourselves, often until it is too late, and then often don’t have the necessary strategies to get back on healthy track.

Your mind and body depend not only on your psychological state and education but also and on optimum health of your organ which in turn depend on your nutrition and gastrointestinal health.

In my opinion the chance of mastering your mind and making real life changes is to become educated, get professional advice, develop strategies and support through a network of people who are able to competently assist you. Coaching and mentoring can be a big help in getting started, overcoming obstacles, feeling certain of the issues and the action required, overcoming despair, increasing hope and achieving your goal more quickly.

The whole process can be assisted and made easier by optimizing the physical health of your brain, your other organs and hormones, which in turn can be optimized by attending to any medical and lifestyle factors, for which this site and my book is designed to assist.

Making constructive beneficial changes is often facilitated through mentoring, coaching

You can learn more in the book:

“Your Gut Feelings : The food body Mind Connection”.

The Food Body Mind Connection

Body & Mind

Your body and mind are part of a holistic health picture. Symptoms such as chronic tiredness, energy depletion, depression, anxiety, hormonal, autism and child behaviour problems, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and weight issues may be related to your nutrition and gastro-intestinal health.
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The above infromation gives a good understanding of how gastro-intestinal health is part of the big picture.

The other parts of the  Food Body Mind Connection are >>Food & Nutrition, and  >> Body & Mind.

Food & Nutrition

Your nutrition is the foundation for all the cells and organs in your body. Our health and wellness is related to the quantity and quality of the food we consume. Your nutrition plays a significant role in gastro-intestinal health and affects your body and mind. The relationship isn’t always obvious.
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